Robotics, Jazz & a Soundtrack in the Making…

Shining Grindstone Rune Grammafon Released 2.20.07 Rating: 8 out of 10 Last Sunday, I scored an opportunity to hang out with my brother, which means that we spent a lot of time listening to records and talking music. I had a list going of all these records I wanted to play for him, which were too numerous to remember so any moment I thought of something he HAD to hear, I would turn off whatever the stereo was blasting in exchange for whatever I had in mind. I was expressing the sort of erratic and misplaced energy reserved for A.D.D.-fueled channel surfers. At some point during this wave of excited “show n’ tell,” I threw on Grindstone , the latest offering by Norway-bred progressive quartet Shining , and watched his face sort of bend and twist into a series of facial expressions as he seriously considered what he was hearing. “This album is like a film score,” I told him, “for an old science fiction movie. It’s like how the future sounded 20 years ago.” He sort of liked that desc...