The Inbox Giveth: Bong & Rachel Grimes

Bong We are, we were and we will have been Ritual Productions Released: 5.25.15 It's probably unnecessary to point out how enveloping Bong 's music can be, much in the same way that Acid Mother's Temple or Sunn O))) can fill any available space to the point of suffocation with endless sound. For the band's fifth studio release, We are, we were and we will have been , Bong continues to package their music as drone prevalent and lengthy. The album is two tracks, each clocking in at about 18 minutes apiece, so it's built for full listener immersion and, like any Bong album really, to grow sonically as if to inspire meditation. And, there will be volume. The reverberating glaze that floats over each element in "Time Regained" dominates so heavily that when vocals appear, (which happens maybe 7 minutes into the track), it's surprising. Its understated snare loop and airy plucked strings remain obscured beneath the mire as vocalist/guitaris...