Gene And Dean Seen Between…

Ween La Cucaracha Rounder Released 10.23.07 Rating: 6.75 out of 10 Philistines, it’s as if I’m one of you. It pains me to scribe words of discontent regarding a band that has been cited more than once as “genius,” especially since I finally get it. I’ll admit it: Ween ’s bus was one that I avoided many, many times. And why? “Push The Little Daisies” put me off my food. I was probably fifteen or sixteen when that rather unpleasant little ditty broke through into then alterna-heavy MTV and it wasn’t something I wanted any part of. Consequently, I missed out on Chocolate And Cheese , The Mollusk , White Pepper …eee tee see. And now after taking a month or so to absorb the back catalog, I see the error of my ways and admit that I should’ve been a little more open to what they were doing. However, it’s too bad that La Cucaracha , Ween’s latest foray into cross-genre copycatting, is almost making me revert to past opinions. This time of course, I’m better informed. It’s not that the ...