Over the Hill (Halfway): My Life in Records According to 1996 (Part 1)

I haven't written one of these "fond remembrance" type entries lately, having skipped all of 1995. But, after going through the albums I'd acquired in 1996, my sophomore year in art school, I thought a couple releases would be worth addressing. Others not so much, but I'll address them anyway. NOFX – Heavy Petting Zoo I first saw NOFX at the Trocadero the year Heavy Petting Zoo was released, the farm-animal-as-fuck-puppet theme of the album further explored via blow-up sheep, ("There's even a hole for your cock!", as I remember singer/bassist Fat Mike excitedly putting it), being volleyed and bounced throughout the audience. And of course there was the raunchy banner of the greasy-haired 1950s looking dude on the cover in a 69 with a sheep acting as a backdrop for the band's performance. At the time, sure it was funny. Now? Eh, whatever. I can't deny that NOFX was actually a solid live band and that those shows were a lot...