Sonic Youth and Independence...

Sonic Youth The Eternal Matador Released: 6.9.09 Rating: 8 out of 10 The Eternal is what you’ve come to expect from Sonic Youth , and then some. With a noticeably enlivened sense of purpose, possibly the result of Sonic Youth’s return to the independent pantheon, The Eternal isn’t much of a deviation from the series of albums they’ve been making since 2002’s Murray Street . Though less polished and discordant at times, The Eternal ’s reputation in terms of fan and critic-generated op/ed seems mostly fueled by the band’s much-publicized switchover, the excitement of inclusion back into the fold embellishing the album’s reality. Since Murray Street , Sonic Youth have been satisfied enough just to make good albums, shifting their focus from abrasive chaos and instead finding some semblance of soft melody within their signature tone. After my first or second listen to The Eternal , I revisited Murray Street , Sonic Nurse and Rather Ripped , just so they were fresh in my min...