Uniform & The Body: "Not Good Enough"

I stress that The Body remains a consistently fascinating entity whose work I either champion or dismiss, the creative push-n-pull a la Chip King and Lee Buford qualifying as anything from merely pushing decibels to forward thinking and genre-hybridizing to unlistenable grating shit-spew. With that said, The Body partners well. Those excellent recordings they released with Thou , Released From Love and You, Whom I Have Always Hated , remain some of the most ear rupturing sounds I've heard on a physical album. So, being a Uniform fan, I have high hopes for Everything That Dies Someday Comes Back , The Body's second collaborative noise venture with the group, which is due to release 8/16 via Sacred Bones . Uniform, another duo with a penchant for amplified gloom and tolerance-pushing vocals, has a machined edge that suits The Body's amp'd up misery. "Not Good Enough" is like a ten-megaton Suicide , every driving pulse set to trudge as if dragging th...