What I Heard This Morning: Experimental Dental School

It hasn't happened too often recently: The instant I hear a song and it makes me bark aloud, "Fuck yeah!"

Not that I couldn't find a more eloquent and less profane way to explain Experimental Dental School and their music, but the instantaneous gratification warranted a less intellectual reaction. And, now that it's out of the way, I can better articulate my opinion.

What caught me by surprise about XDS was that, first off, they're a duo. Second off, I like their combination of Deerhoof-ian wonder (the lalalalas of "Royal Fantasy Snow") and modernized King Crimson intensity. Maybe Crimson's a stretch, but the riffs have that acid rock energy minus the big band refinement. Garage prog?

The album's called Forest Field and I'll have a review up in a week or so. In the meantime, feast your ears and agree with me:

"Royal Fantasy Snow"

"Basement Fever"

Letters From A Tapehead


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