On Pause (and Penicillin)

Excuse the inactivity.  I feel like I've been both tired and/or sick for a full month.  Currently, I'm on a regimen of throat lozenges, penicillin and soft foods while my throat recovers from whatever made it decide to be both red and painful.  Fevers and cold sweats aren't necessarily conducive to critical listening or written analysis.  Sleep deprivation doesn't help much, either. 
I do, however, have reviews in the works and requests for promos out, so I hope to have some new material up soon.  I'm also in the process of pulling together a Mix Tape entry, (because I haven't written one of those in a while), and another No Ripcast should be out this week.

If you missed the last one, you can find that here.

Letters From A Tapehead


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