The Hated: "Everysong"

Do we like the sound of desperate hardcore?

Numero Group just issued "Everysong" by The Hated, which isn't too far removed from the Hüsker-branded throat-tearing and raw emotional investment the Mould/Grant/Norton combo could generate. The track is audibly honest. Speed pushes the sincerity of the harsh instrumentation forward, but the vocal almost smothers everything beneath. The recording sounds like it was handled live. If Numero Group is planning to reissue this track in a physical format, I hope the mastering doesn't clean up the audio. 

Track costs a buck at Bandcamp. 

Notes from the Bandcamp page:

After the departure of original Hated rhythm section Colin Meeder and Mike Bonner, a new version of the group cropped up in former Spastic Rats drummer Kenny Hill’s basement in late ’86. The Hated had been on ice for a year with Dan Littleton expelled from school and Erik Fisher in college, but returned to Annapolis in with a youthful political energy that erupted into a war cry: “Everysong is a revolution,” Fisher shouted.

“When we played it was a just a full on sonic attack, a wall of super fuzzed out guitars and harmonies from me and Erik, with John Irvine’s virtuosity and Kenny Hill’s singular intensity and unique feel for thrash pushing us over the edge,” Littleton remarked about this second incarnation of The Hated. “EverySong” was cut at Les Lentz’s LSP Studios after a week of steady rehearsals, the band fresh with rage and a year’s worth of songs. “Les Lentz had the instinct to record every second of sound we played,” Littleton said, “from the opening screech of guitars till the last sirens of feedback died out and the headphones hit the studio floor.”

Letters From A Tapehead


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