SpermChurch: merdeka atau mati

SpermChurch merdeka atau mati Riverworm Records Released: 9/3/21 SpermChurch is the name gifted to this collaborative union between bassist Trevor Dunn (Mr. Bungle, Fantômas, John Zorn) and the caffeinated electronics of the late Dutch-Indonesian artist Sannety (Sanne van Hek). The first recordings produced by this outing have been collected into a 10-track LP called, medeka atau mati , the motto of the Indonesian Revolution which translates to "Live Free or Die". No stranger to exploring every available corner of creative freedom granted by being dubbed avant-garde, medeka atau mati is the first official release for Dunn's Riverworm Records label and likely sets a tone for the type of albums his label will produce. Overwhelmed by relentless irregularity, Dunn and Sannety immediately knock over any viable structures seconds after they're built, ("You Thoroughly Want the Thing That Mounts" comes to mind), Dunn's squiggly thuds ...