The Rest Of 2008 (or, There Aren’t Enough Hours In A Day, Nor Days In A Year)

So, it’s almost 2009 and I’m feeling a little burnt out. The general holiday pressures notwithstanding, trying to squeeze the rest of my 2008 “talkabouts” out this month, hoping to further shape my much “anticipated” Best Of list, was a bit tiring. I’m not Mick Jagger : Time is NOT on my side. So, in the interest of making sure my unfortunate stragglers get SOME due, here’s a list of what I failed to cover. My apologies to the following: Man Man Rabbit Habits Anti- Released: 4.8.08 Rating: 9.25 out of 10 “You think you’re so slick/I seen her lipstick ‘cross your dillsnick…” Juvenilia definitely penetrates the otherwise vibratory rush of xylophone that pushes through Man Man ’s “The Ballad Of Butter Beans.” But the Philadelphia-bred outfit’s tripping sailor music, a pop-ilicious combo of Waits -ian oceanic travelogue and Zappa lampooned avant-progression, is the work of musicians that take what they do very seriously. Rabbit Habits , their third album, crosses manic aggression (“...