Neneh Cherry & The Thing: Dream Baby Dream (Suicide cover)

Found this via Stereogum.

Neneh Cherry & The Thing covering Suicide's "Dream Baby Dream."  This is excellent.  Knowing Suicide as the stripped down, keyboard-powered duo they were, hearing them interpreted by a jazz and vocal ensemble really does add some dimension to their work. 

Their album, The Cherry Thing, will be out June 18th on Smalltown Supersound and the more I read about it, the more I want to hear it.

While Neneh Cherry is most closely associated with her hit "Buffalo Stance," she had an interesting period early in her career when she fronted Rip, Rig + Panic, one of the many groups born out of the  The Pop Group's dissolution.

Oh, and apparently jazz great Don Cherry was her stepfather.

Letters From A Tapehead


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